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John Anthony Guitar Contest 

What and Why

About John Anthony

A performer, teacher and mentor in the music circuit for over 30 years, John Anthony contributed to the music tracks of over 2,500 movies.

Over several decades, the guitarist was part of many ensembles and projects that led him to perform around the globe with legends such as  violinist L. Shankar, Sivamani and A.R. Rahman. He has been an inspiration to many currently famous guitarists.  His unique style of guitar playing influenced many and still does today. Connected to movies and the independent music world, John Anthony made a strong impact on both sides. Lazie J was one of the last projects he associated with.

John Anthony Guitar Award is instituted to celebrate the genius of John Anthony and also to encourage young guitarists to demonstrate their talent to a vast audience globally. ​So put your best out there and let us see whether you can carry the John Anthony Legacy forward. 

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